Derek ingeniously thought of a way to keep my ichigo thingy from peeling off. ARIGATOU man! Really very sad coz had to spend another freaking 3 bucks on a new ichigo coz the old one crazy already, peel here and there. SO upsetting! And they kindly informed me that gp common test is next friday.
Things happening next friday: gp common test, Mc camp, organic chem makeup tuition. Realised that if i were to skip next saturday's arab course and go for camp, i would have missed 2 lessons already. So wasted.
During bio tut, realised that i had forgotten most of bacteria stuffs. Imagine my virus. Worse.
Cross country just now! Alot of people suddenly signing out. HAHA.. Many others walked all the way. Hot and stuffy. Not say really fun. Already had a looooong day (at least it is for me). Headache some more.
but the worst thing is that i can't watch bleach today and so no ichigo and so i feel so sad sia but can't really show it and felt erm coz why am i so sad coz can't watch bleach today and so no ichigo so i was quite surprised that ichigo which is an anime character can affect me so bad sia i must be mental.
I think my perception of some people have changed. I realised i have my own opinions now. So should i go ahead and defend these opinions of mind when the need arises?
Johnny depp has mixed blood! Cherokee + indian + dunno what my sis forgot but its in Life paper! Oh my god! Oh wow, so now can go up to him and say, hey, we got indian blood! =D
Hidaya=Happy girl today. AHAHA....=D