Sunday, January 14, 2007

^ Mutant ^

I would love to be a mutant. Though I don't see why society should reject them. A little apprehension would be understandable, but to be an outcast without giving them a chance? Bullshit man.

Know them before you judge them.

Personally, I think being a mutant is cool. You get free superpowers unlike in cases where you get them 'accidentally' like in the case of Spiderman-you get bitten by a spider...eew. Then there's the 'saving the world' issue. Mutants don't get labelled as a Superhero. But Superman does. And boy, does he gets stressed out! Hiding his identity and not able to revel in his powers as freely as mutants can. Mutants don't hide their identities, for the basic fact that they ARE what they are born to be. Different.

Why am i talking about mutants? God knows...=)

I simply hate animal abusers with all the breath I take and the cells in my body. Yesterday on the 9 o'clock news on Ch 5, there was this news on 2 brothers charged with animal abuse by overfeeding their labrador dog. The breed was supposed to be thin and lean, but my goodness, I was totally shocked by the size and condition of that poor dog. It was gross. One eye has a layer of fat, causing it to be blind.It can barely walk, and its tail is not even reconizable. It was hideous. May the brothers rot in hell; coz God loves that innocent dog more than those 2 pathetic humans.

Then this morning, in the New Paper, a man had placed a goldfish in the blender and invited his friends over to see him blend that fish. I think cruel is too mild a word to describe his ghastly actions. I think no word can describe that kind of people. Psychotic? God knows.

God, I hate them. I pray everyday so as not to let me morph into one of them.


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