Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I was so dead today.

In so many ways.

First, lessons were pushed back by an hour coz apparently the staff had some kind of physical games going on in the morning. So the going-to-salvation-army-to-salvage-books-with-Mich had to be cancelled. Great.

Second, Azu didn't come.
No craziness and no-one to share my pain (ugh, so romantic!).

Then came Bio test. Section B was screwed up man! I mean... argh forget it.

And best of all...there was tug-of-war. It was sports heat just now. And the clever me apparently forgot to bring pe attire, so after much fretting, I went back home...walked so fast that I thought the soles of my feet were burning. I was so drenched in sweat lah! Even though my house was near, about a 10 minute walk, it was hot and there was anxiety in my heart. At last, Liyana sms-ed me and told me Owens was disqualified coz not enough members. Couldn't help feeling it's partly my fault. Only 4 ppl turned up for Polo.

Stupid. Stupid.


A lot of curses from my mouth today.

Keller thrashed Darwin. I didn't want Keller to win.


Felt so down at the end of today.

Someone walked home the other way. And I felt that it is drifting into meaningless. This.
Friends are forever...right? No? Hm..

Ok, if you say so.

But I felt damned.

Haha. What am I talking?

Sheesh...Anyways,on another matter, I notice my spirit will be lifted whenever I see least it is making me happy. Or else I will feel quite down. At least there IS something that can cheer me up even when I am in this state of moody-ness.

But I think my class now is ok, great even, with guys like Hidaya and Izzati and lots lots more. See, I am even smiling as I am typing this out. =)

Guess this year wouldn't be as depressing as I thought it would be.



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