Sunday, January 28, 2007


Kawaii neh?


Anyways, it's been like 2 days since friday. Why? What Friday? Huh?

I'll tell you what exactly happened. It was PE time. Mr Hiap was on course so we get to play our own games, but as a class. So we decided to play Captain's Ball. I volunteered to be the goalperson, but after a few rounds, I was replaced by Azu. And then shit happens.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not fuming mad at what happened, but it was painful. There was little to be embarrased about-because the hall was partly slippery and not because of my own clumsiness (which I have plenty to spare!).

I fell. Yup. Again. Last year, I fell down and had pretty much of a fanfare at school and at home. At school, I was proud to show people my big wound and the red, swollen patches on both my knees when I tripped at the basketball court while playing, well, basketball. I remember with fondness, how long it took for that wound to completely heal (about 2 weeks, I think). The pain was another story. The pain was my own to endure. So no complains about pains here.

(It was damn painful.)

Anyways, the events preceding my fall was a bit hazy. I can't recall who passed the ball to me(was it Bernaaard or Hidayad?), which made me unconsciously run to the slippery area of the hall, and thus feel down...with the ball held above my head, and both my legs split parallel to my thighs. I must have looked like I'm attending some kind of Japanese tea ceremony, the way I was on the floor after I fell. Miraculously, though, the aftermath was not that bad. I waved off concerns from Azu and CONTINUED playing.


Now, I practically can't even walk properly! I walk with a limp. And it's almost impossible to bend my left leg . Talk about a great day...I'm suffering every day since Friday. But who am I to complain?(sheesh, I just did, didn't I?)

See: there are many other people, especially in Cambodia, who lived near landmines that are still alive. And some even had their hands or legs blown away. Compared to them, I'm a thousand times fortunate. Yes. So this is how I console myself? By taking refuge behind other people's pain?

Oh gawd, I can't even make up my mind.

Whatever. Sheesh. I'm outta here.


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