Wednesday, July 23, 2008

ichigo cold. lol.

The lousiest gp paper i have ever dared to hand in. My mind wasn't in the right state to craft an essay or argue or whatever. Keep drifting away to god knows where. It's like i can't contain my thoughts: they're flying all over the place like some hurricane had visited and left the place in a hurry. Oooooo...*feeling sick*

getting more and more sian.

no, i'm not an absolute pessismist.

i start each day with a positive attitude, something like: ok, today is gonna be a good day.

then i walk to school happily with my sis, listening to songs in my mp3 handphone that provided me with my daily dose of music that i need.


(omg that one word sentence above sounds alien to me. is b-u-t a foreign lang coz suddenly that 3 letter word doesn't make any sense to me.)

but then i'm bombarded by expectations galore come lesson time. giving every single minute of lesson-tutorial or lecture-my utmost...or maybe just simply, attention, is practically impossible. a fiasco. i tried doing so *feeling ambitious* and felt sick afterwards. my brain had just gorged and now wanted to puke. it became sort of bulimic.

oh cool..a bulimic brain.

not to mention that it is oh so physically taxing. i wonder and WONDER why if it is scientifically proven that our attention span lasts only for like 20 minutes (?), do schools draft up a curriculum that places lessons back to back. it is a paradox that contains no truth whatsoever.
guess i just have to p-e-r-s-e-v-e-r-e. ohhhhmyyyygod. i sound like a typical singaporean now? griping here and there.

INSOUSCIANCE: nonchalance. i go and put indifference. hurrr..please let my answer be accepted x_x....chotto matte..i'm gonna flunk this paper, so what difference does it make anyway?

schadenfreude vs sadist: what's the diff??

i may not be as smart as some people. i may not be as tall, as thin, as pretty as some people. i may not be as sensible as other people. i may not be as happy-go-lucky as some people. i may not be as funny as some people. but i accept that this is me and this is what God has created and i will not complain. instead, i will change my mindset and be practical about what i want.

if i hadn't met u, i wouldn't like u. if i hadn't liked u, i wouldn't love u. if i hadn't loved u, i wouldn't miss u. but i did, and i had, and i will.


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