Thursday, July 27, 2006

Her Bad Day

Had to wrestle the computer away from my sister.
Anyway, today was a very damn taxing day.
My dad had to meet the principal becoz I achieved 3 U's for my mid year.
The principal started by showing my father the results I got. Okay, so now perhaps I know why I had to see the principal. My marks were all 29 %...with the exception of GP and Geography.
So what if I'm weak in Chem? Or Maths? Do we need them when we are being buried in the coffin? Does the afterlife set a certain standard that we must meet in order to move on? Or are we required to sit for a test in which flunking it would gurantee us a place in the famed hell?
Okay, so maybe it's the now that counts.
I could tell that she was expecting bad comments from teachers about me. Boy, you should see the look on her face when she read out the positive comments. She was practically gaping with disbelief. Subtly of course, she's the principal afterall, so she need to maintain some kind of composure in front of a parent.
So, she basically had nothing to say about my attitude, so she moves on to my habits. She asked whether or not I watch TV. Which normal 16- year olds do not watch TV? I said only on weekends am I allowed. Which was a white lie.
Becoz I watch Singapore Idol.
She then proceeded to say that I'm a good girl.
I just stared at her.
Then she suggested that I was perhaps adopting the wrong study method. Which was quite true. I think perhaps I should try studying in groups.
She also asked whether I play online games.
But I quickly added that I had the games removed, erased, srubbed away and deleted from the computer. Oh yes, speaking of computers, she said that I should stay away from the computer.
I didn't know computers can scare adults so much.
There's nothing much to say left. It was a pretty much boring and non-stimulating experience. Please do not think dirty.
I was not motivated to do better, in fact, I was trying my damnedest to stifle a yawn. Sorry adults, but I've heard more motivating talks than just now.
Right now, I need to focus on being promoted. So, good luck myself. I'm going to be very dangerous. Not in the literal way, rather, I have to watch out for myself. Make sure I don't go senile and stuff along those lines.


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